
Touching Human Lives...

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Community Health Nursing

World health day

Our students were actively engaged in world health day observation along with primary health care staffs at santhathanampatty rural community.

Communicable diseases hospital visit Mass Education Awareness Programme

Our IInd year Nursing students were conducted social awareness and stigma about HIV at santhathanampatty during their community health nursing posting.

World tuberculosis day Water purification visit at mettur Aavin Milk Dairy Visit World Aids Day Observation Community training

Anti Ragging

The anti ragging squad conducts regular and surprise visits to the hostels, library, food court, sport facilities and ensure freshers comfort.Freshers should submit anti ragging undertaking form.


Our institute has a rich collection of more than 3037 text and reference books of current nursing , competitive exam books& General titles and subscribes national and international journals.


The spacious lab is well equipped with mannequins like patient stimulators, CPR dummies, Adult sized patient dummies with movable limbs and replaceable parts for demonstrating all basic procedures.