Welcome to Controller of Examinations

The Examination Cell is an important part of the academic work which includes

Circular, Guideline, Office Order, Notification received from the Anna University are dispatched to all departments with Principal’s signature.

Distribution of Grade sheets, consolidated mark sheet, Provisional and Degree Certificates to students.

Conduct of University Theory Examinations

Candidates are permitted to appear for the semester examination after they register for examination in all courses according to the Anna University regulations.

The list of students opted for elective subjects are uploaded in University web portal after Principal approval.

Odd semester examination is conducted during November / December and even semester examination is conducted during April / May.

Examination schedule and fee circular are displayed in Notice boards.

Anna University Representative is appointed by the Zonal office.

Question papers are issued by the University in sealed covers and opened at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time by Chief Superintendent (CS) & Anna University Representative (AUR).

Invigilation duty, Hall and Seating arrangements and hall ticket distribution - by the Exam Cell as per the University requirements.

The sealed covers are handed over to the Zonal office by the CS through University Representative every day.

Any malpractice of the candidate is booked and reported by the hall superintendent to the CS / Controller of Examinations, Anna University.

The University releases a circular to inform the commencement of central valuation.

Procedure for Conducting University Practical / Viva Voce Examinations

Conducting University practical examination for each semester, circular is sent to all HoDs for the details of internal examiners and Zonal office appoints the external examiner for each practical lab / viva voce.

The practical examinations are conducted batch wise. Anna University will send the question papers, External examiner values the answer scripts and award marks.

The mark statements are prepared and signed by both the examiners and it is sealed in separate cover and handed over to the Exam Cell.

The External and internal examiners conduct the viva voce for the project as per university protocol.

Students Grievances

Grievances identified in internal examinations for the student are rectified by CS and Principal.

Grievances identified regarding Anna University Examination such as applying photocopy, revaluation and review process for the results they obtained, other grievances like correction in the grade sheet (DoB, duplicate grade sheet, etc.) are rectified by Controller of Examinations, Anna University.

End Semester Examination Committee

Sl. No.

Name of the Member












Prof.B.Suresh Kumar

Assistant Professor/ECE
